



Perplexity AI Inc.

Perplexity AI Inc.

Perplexity AI Inc.

Perplexity AI Inc.



仅需$10,通过投资JPEPX代币获得Perplexity AI Inc.的敞口。加入我们,共同迈向AI应用的建设旅程!

JPEPX是由Jarsy发行的代币,由Perplexity AI Inc.的普通股支持。Perplexity是一种AI驱动的信息发现工具,旨在回答问题和探索主题。公司的平台提供实时答案、个性化搜索体验,并与各种数据源集成,合作举行联合活动、共同销售和共同营销,使用户能够高效访问准确全面的信息,以增强他们的研究和决策过程。














  1. 使用电子邮件或Google登录注册并完成注册流程

  2. 提交您对JPEPX-PRE的兴趣,以表明您对Perplexity预售的兴趣

  3. 通过USDC、电汇或Zelle存入您的资金。

  4. 如使用USDC,将您的USDC转换为JUSD。如果您通过电汇或Zelle汇款,我们将使用JUSD为您提供资金。

  5. 我们将确认您的配额状态。

  6. 您需要审核投资金额和条款,并签署协议。如果您已签署协议,则资金将变为不可退还,并将用于购买股份。

  7. 如果无法达成和解,我们将为您安排退款。

如果您有任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 yhu@getjarsy.com





当您购买Jarsy token,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。 Jarsy 代币背靠真实世界资产,但代币持有人并不直接拥有底层股权。相反,Jarsy 会代表代币持有人持有股权。当您下单时,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。这些经济权益与通常情况下的股东的权益类似。 例如,如果您持有与 SpaceX 相关的代币,而 SpaceX 宣布派发分红、股票分拆或分拆子公司(比方说Starlink),您的经济权益将根据 SpaceX 对股东的处理方式进行处理。 持有 Jarsy 代币类似于拥有与 SpaceX 股东等价的经济权益,但不直接持有实际股权。


当您购买Jarsy token,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。 Jarsy 代币背靠真实世界资产,但代币持有人并不直接拥有底层股权。相反,Jarsy 会代表代币持有人持有股权。当您下单时,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。这些经济权益与通常情况下的股东的权益类似。 例如,如果您持有与 SpaceX 相关的代币,而 SpaceX 宣布派发分红、股票分拆或分拆子公司(比方说Starlink),您的经济权益将根据 SpaceX 对股东的处理方式进行处理。 持有 Jarsy 代币类似于拥有与 SpaceX 股东等价的经济权益,但不直接持有实际股权。


当您购买Jarsy token,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。 Jarsy 代币背靠真实世界资产,但代币持有人并不直接拥有底层股权。相反,Jarsy 会代表代币持有人持有股权。当您下单时,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。这些经济权益与通常情况下的股东的权益类似。 例如,如果您持有与 SpaceX 相关的代币,而 SpaceX 宣布派发分红、股票分拆或分拆子公司(比方说Starlink),您的经济权益将根据 SpaceX 对股东的处理方式进行处理。 持有 Jarsy 代币类似于拥有与 SpaceX 股东等价的经济权益,但不直接持有实际股权。


当您购买Jarsy token,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。 Jarsy 代币背靠真实世界资产,但代币持有人并不直接拥有底层股权。相反,Jarsy 会代表代币持有人持有股权。当您下单时,您将签署一份经济权益协议,确保代币持有人享有买卖、分红等经济权益。这些经济权益与通常情况下的股东的权益类似。 例如,如果您持有与 SpaceX 相关的代币,而 SpaceX 宣布派发分红、股票分拆或分拆子公司(比方说Starlink),您的经济权益将根据 SpaceX 对股东的处理方式进行处理。 持有 Jarsy 代币类似于拥有与 SpaceX 股东等价的经济权益,但不直接持有实际股权。

这与传统的经纪商(例如 EquityZen、Hiive、Forge Global)有什么不同?

与传统经纪人直接促成私人股权股份的销售不同,Jarsy 提供对这些资产的代币化经济权利。 1. 流动性:代币提供更多流动性,通过提供额外的退出机会,允许您在IPO之前出售它们。 2. 透明度:访问详细的储备证明和链上交易数据确保信任。 3. 可及性:与传统经纪人相比,进入门槛更低。

这与传统的经纪商(例如 EquityZen、Hiive、Forge Global)有什么不同?

这与传统的经纪商(例如 EquityZen、Hiive、Forge Global)有什么不同?

这与传统的经纪商(例如 EquityZen、Hiive、Forge Global)有什么不同?

与传统经纪人直接促成私人股权股份的销售不同,Jarsy 提供对这些资产的代币化经济权利。 1. 流动性:代币提供更多流动性,通过提供额外的退出机会,允许您IPO之前出售它们。 2. 透明度:访问详细的储备证明和链上交易数据确保信任。 3. 可及性:与传统经纪人相比,进入门槛更低。








a. 对于USDC用户: 使用集中交易所(例如,OKX,币安,Kraken)或去中心化钱包(例如,MetaMask,Ledger)转账。复制您的Jarsy钱包地址(登录后位于右上角)并通过Arbitrum网络进行转账。 ⚠️ 重要提示:如果您在网络选项中不使用Arbitrum,您的资金将会丢失并无法恢复! b. 对于法币用户: 在美国:使用Zelle扫描二维码进行转账。对于超过Zelle限额的金额,请使用电汇。 在美国以外:使用银行电汇(应用程序中提供详细信息)。 ⚠️ 注意:确保您的电子邮件地址包含在付款备注中以便手动匹配。如果不支持特殊字符,您可以跳过它们。




a. 对于USDC用户: 使用集中交易所(例如,OKX,币安,Kraken)或去中心化钱包(例如,MetaMask,Ledger)转账。复制您的Jarsy钱包地址(登录后位于右上角)并通过Arbitrum网络进行转账。 ⚠️ 重要提示:如果您在网络选项中不使用Arbitrum,您的资金将会丢失并无法恢复! b. 对于法币用户: 在美国:使用Zelle扫描二维码进行转账。对于超过Zelle限额的金额,请使用电汇。 在美国以外:使用银行电汇(应用程序中提供详细信息)。 ⚠️ 注意:确保您的电子邮件地址包含在付款备注中以便手动匹配。如果不支持特殊字符,您可以跳过它们。

Jarsy 收取什么费用?

费用因交易而异,您将在下订单之前查看详细信息。Jarsy 的商业模式基于一次性交易费用。因此,我们尽可能减少管理费和持有费,除非我们的供应商基金必须收取这些费用。以下是管理费和持有费的定义。 管理费:pre-IPO基金通常会收取定期费用,以覆盖管理投资的持续成本,通常约为本金的每年 2%。 持有费代表投资收益的一部分,通常在首次公开募股交易中可以看到,以激励基金经理。例如,如果您投资 100 美元并赚取 10 美元利润,5% 的持有费意味着 Jarsy 将从利润中抽取 50 美分。

Jarsy 收取什么费用?

Jarsy 收取什么费用?

Jarsy 收取什么费用?

费用因交易而异,您将在下订单之前查看详细信息。Jarsy 的商业模式基于一次性交易费用。因此,我们尽可能减少管理费和持有费,除非我们的供应商基金必须收取这些费用。以下是管理费和持有费的定义。 管理费:pre-IPO基金通常会收取定期费用,以覆盖管理投资的持续成本,通常约为本金的每年 2%。 持有费代表投资收益的一部分,通常在首次公开募股交易中可以看到,以激励基金经理。例如,如果您投资 100 美元并赚取 10 美元利润,5% 的持有费意味着 Jarsy 将从利润中抽取 50 美分。







Jarsy 代币 (J-Tokens) 可以在 DeFi 中交易吗?


Jarsy 代币 (J-Tokens) 可以在 DeFi 中交易吗?

Jarsy 代币 (J-Tokens) 可以在 DeFi 中交易吗?

Jarsy 代币可以在 DeFi 上交易吗?


我可以通过 Jarsy 出售我的 JSPAX 代币吗?


我可以通过 Jarsy 出售我的 JSPAX 代币吗?

我可以通过 Jarsy 出售我的 JSPAX 代币吗?





我可以通过 Jarsy 出售我的 JSPAX 代币吗?


我可以通过 Jarsy 出售我的 JSPAX 代币吗?






Start Investing

Jarsy Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024

This portal is operated by Jarsy, Inc. ("Jarsy"), which is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. Jarsy does not provide investment advice, endorsement or recommendations with respect to any assets shown on this portal. Nothing on this portal should be construed as an offer to sell, solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation in respect of a security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult with licensed legal professionals and investment advisors for any legal, tax, insurance or investment advice. Jarsy does not guarantee any investment performance, outcome or return of capital for any investment opportunity posted on this site. By accessing this portal and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by any terms and policies the portal provides for you to review and confirm. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss. By accessing this site, investors understand and acknowledge 1) that investment in general, whether it is in private equity, the stock market or real estate, is risky and unpredictable; 2) the market has its ups and downs; 3) that investment you are involved in might not result in a positive cash flow or perform as you expected; and 4) that the value of any assets you invest in may decline at any time and the future value is unpredictable. Before making an investment decision, prospective investors are advised to review all available information and consult with their tax and legal advisors. Jarsy does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding any offering posted on this portal Any investment-related information contained herein has been secured from sources that Jarsy believes to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and accept no liability therefore. Hyperlinks to third-party sites, or reproduction of third-party articles, do not constitute an approval or endorsement by Jarsy of the linked or reproduced content.

This portal is operated by Jarsy, Inc. ("Jarsy"), which is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. Jarsy does not provide investment advice, endorsement or recommendations with respect to any assets shown on this portal. Nothing on this portal should be construed as an offer to sell, solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation in respect of a security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult with licensed legal professionals and investment advisors for any legal, tax, insurance or investment advice. Jarsy does not guarantee any investment performance, outcome or return of capital for any investment opportunity posted on this site. By accessing this portal and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by any terms and policies the portal provides for you to review and confirm. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss. By accessing this site, investors understand and acknowledge 1) that investment in general, whether it is in private equity, the stock market or real estate, is risky and unpredictable; 2) the market has its ups and downs; 3) that investment you are involved in might not result in a positive cash flow or perform as you expected; and 4) that the value of any assets you invest in may decline at any time and the future value is unpredictable. Before making an investment decision, prospective investors are advised to review all available information and consult with their tax and legal advisors. Jarsy does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding any offering posted on this portal Any investment-related information contained herein has been secured from sources that Jarsy believes to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and accept no liability therefore. Hyperlinks to third-party sites, or reproduction of third-party articles, do not constitute an approval or endorsement by Jarsy of the linked or reproduced content.

Start Investing

Jarsy Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024

This portal is operated by Jarsy, Inc. ("Jarsy"), which is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. Jarsy does not provide investment advice, endorsement or recommendations with respect to any assets shown on this portal. Nothing on this portal should be construed as an offer to sell, solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation in respect of a security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult with licensed legal professionals and investment advisors for any legal, tax, insurance or investment advice. Jarsy does not guarantee any investment performance, outcome or return of capital for any investment opportunity posted on this site. By accessing this portal and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by any terms and policies the portal provides for you to review and confirm. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss. By accessing this site, investors understand and acknowledge 1) that investment in general, whether it is in private equity, the stock market or real estate, is risky and unpredictable; 2) the market has its ups and downs; 3) that investment you are involved in might not result in a positive cash flow or perform as you expected; and 4) that the value of any assets you invest in may decline at any time and the future value is unpredictable. Before making an investment decision, prospective investors are advised to review all available information and consult with their tax and legal advisors. Jarsy does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding any offering posted on this portal Any investment-related information contained herein has been secured from sources that Jarsy believes to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and accept no liability therefore. Hyperlinks to third-party sites, or reproduction of third-party articles, do not constitute an approval or endorsement by Jarsy of the linked or reproduced content.

Start Investing

Jarsy Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024

Start Investing

Jarsy Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2024

This portal is operated by Jarsy, Inc. ("Jarsy"), which is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. Jarsy does not provide investment advice, endorsement or recommendations with respect to any assets shown on this portal. Nothing on this portal should be construed as an offer to sell, solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation in respect of a security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult with licensed legal professionals and investment advisors for any legal, tax, insurance or investment advice. Jarsy does not guarantee any investment performance, outcome or return of capital for any investment opportunity posted on this site. By accessing this portal and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by any terms and policies the portal provides for you to review and confirm. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss. By accessing this site, investors understand and acknowledge 1) that investment in general, whether it is in private equity, the stock market or real estate, is risky and unpredictable; 2) the market has its ups and downs; 3) that investment you are involved in might not result in a positive cash flow or perform as you expected; and 4) that the value of any assets you invest in may decline at any time and the future value is unpredictable. Before making an investment decision, prospective investors are advised to review all available information and consult with their tax and legal advisors. Jarsy does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding any offering posted on this portal Any investment-related information contained herein has been secured from sources that Jarsy believes to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and accept no liability therefore. Hyperlinks to third-party sites, or reproduction of third-party articles, do not constitute an approval or endorsement by Jarsy of the linked or reproduced content.